Message from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, (U.S. department of Commerce)….
According to a recent B&C post, the NTIA no longer has a waiting list for applications for the digital television converter box $40 coupons. Recently, The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), freed up $650 million from the economic stimulus package to fund more coupons.
Apply for a new or renew your expired coupon here: DTV_2009 It takes about (9) days to process each application so if you haven’t received a coupon yet, you will most likely receive one after the DTV deadline of June 12, 2009.
The law changing the DTV hard date and extending the coupon program changes the program to allow anyone with expired coupons to reapply, NTIA is ready to process those requests.
Changing the DTV hard date from Feb. 17 to June 12 was driven in large part by the waiting list for coupons, which started building up in early January after NTIA ran into a funding ceiling due to an accounting problem.If you use “rabbit ears” or a rooftop antenna with an analog television, you must take some action before June 12, 2009 to continue receiving television broadcasts. Full-power television stations nationwide must switch from the analog method of transmitting TV signals to only broadcasting a Digital signal.
If you haven’t heard already, after June 12, 2009, all full-power television stations in the United States will stop broadcasting in analog and switch to 100 percent digital broadcasts. This will provide more programming options; clearer reception; and will free up airwaves for use by emergency systems. If you currently watch TV on an analog TV, you can purchase a converter box; use cable or satellite; or buy a TV with a digital tuner (HDTV).
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), is administering the ‘TV Converter Box Coupon Program’ to assist if you choose to purchase a converter box to keep your analog TV working. All U.S. households are able to request up to two, $40 coupons to help pay for the cost . These coupons cannot be used online.
Are you going to convert? Will you request a coupon? Are you already HDTV ready? Let us know and check the following link for more info. Get your DTV Coupon here!
2 replies on “STORY UPDATE: Digtal Television Transition Switch Date is June 12, 2009 Converter Box Coupons Still Available!”
Congress tried to push the date back to June but it aint happening!
Looks like the date change did happen…